Saturday, July 26, 2008

Sawtooths Backpacking Trip -- Planning

Back in April, my friend and frequent hiking/snowshoeing partner, Bryan Oakes, told me that he'd always wanted to backpack across the Sawtooth Mountains. He had his eye on a route that took us from Atlanta, heading generally due northeast over the Sawtooth range, and ending up at Redfish Lake. We'd start around 5,000 feet, peak around 9,600 feet, returning to 5,000 by the end of the trip. Estimated distance was 40 miles over five days -- giving us the flexibility to pull off a few long days with some short ones in between to relax by some remote and beautiful lakes. I was into it since I was entering my MBA and knew my long-trip days were over for a year. To both of us, it was also the trip of a lifetime. 

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